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The 26th National Specialty Gases Annual Conference Held: HuaYuTongFang Wins Outstanding Paper Award

2024-11-21 HYTF News

From October 30 to November 1, 2024, the 26th National Specialty Gases Annual Conference was held in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, with HuaYuTongFang(HYTF) invited to attend. During the conference, HYTF's research paper, “Advancements in the Synthesis Process of Electronic Specialty Gas Hexafluorobutadiene,” was awarded the Outstanding Paper Prize in the conference proceedings.

This marks the 13th consecutive year since 2010 that HYTF has participated in this conference. The event featured discussions on cutting-edge technologies, application trends, and policy guidance, covering topics such as electronic specialty gases, high-purity petrochemical gases, preparation and detection technologies for standard gases, and the application trends of specialty gases in fields like semiconductors, integrated circuits, and smart sensors.

The recognition of this paper reflects the acknowledgment by experts in the specialty gases field of HYTF's technical and R&D capabilities in the purification and distillation of specialty gases. Looking ahead, HYTF will continue to solidify its foundation through innovation-driven R&D, further enhancing its core competitiveness and contributing to the growth of the specialty gases industry